Friday, 27 July 2018

Week 1 Term 3

This week has been an exciting week as students have been preparing for the Opening Ceremony for the new school hall next week. Students have enjoyed being part of the cultural performance groups and choir and I hope everyone has purchased their tickets ready to attend the opening next week.


Students are nearly ready with their presentations on 100 years ago and Mrs Walters and I are looking forward to watching these next week. Students have put so much effort into them and it will be great to see!


This term, we are doing a unit on Area and Perimeter and students have enjoyed discovering what area and perimeter is.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018


Room 10 won the Kiwican prize this term and were treat to a morning of treats and games. Kiwican gives students a score out of 15 every lesson, and the class from the Kokari block who has the most total points is rewarded at the end of each term. Well done Room 10!

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