Monday 26 February 2018

Sleep Habits

This afternoon, as part of our sleep inquiry, students completed some informal graphic organisers to display some information about how they sleep. Many students were so proud of their work - they chose to use the selfie stick to show off their awesome efforts. See some of the amazing work below:

Sunday 25 February 2018

Kiwi Sport

This week in Kiwi Sport, students were learning throwing and aiming at a target. They enjoyed using the school wall to play some bowling games with a difference. This will all become useful in the upcoming athletics later this term.

Friday 23 February 2018

KiwiCan Lesson 3

Today in KiwiCan, Room 10 learnt all about RESPECT and what it means to them and their community. After a really fun energiser to start, students began creating raps and poems about respect at Linwood North School. Check them out:

Friday 9 February 2018

Welcome back to 2018!

Our term has started with a bang! With students in Room 10 starting their Reading, Writing and Maths straight away. Students have enjoyed learning about their classmates using surveys and tally charts and presenting their work in bar charts. We also enjoyed a class game of bingo whereby students had to find out new things about their peers. In Reading, we have been learning about summarising and how to pick out key words in sentences. It would be great if you could continue to do this at home with your students.
I look forward to more fun next week.

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